Trees in black and white

19 June 2016

Ink, 21 x 13cm

Richmond upon Thames

18 June 2016

A day out with the Urban Sketchers London group. The morning sketch was of the bridge (there were lots of benches with a good view!).

The afternoon one was of a corner of Richmond Green; I like the contrast of the black plastic rubbish bags against the multi-million pound houses. The 4x4 arrived just after I started drawing, and stayed there, abandoned on the double yellow lines but with its hazard lights flashing, for the next hour.

Each drawing: 42 x 13, ink and watercolour in Moleskine sketchbook. Click to enlarge.

Many thanks to John and Helen for arranging the day, and everyone who came along.

Sussex Art Collective

16 June 2016

I will be showing some new linocuts at the Sussex Art Collective exhibition:

Crypt Gallery, 23 Church Street, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 1HD
18 June to 3 July.

Otterburn Beck, North Yorkshire

05 June 2016

Next morning, and the sunshine continues. The stream runs through the middle of the village. I'm standing on the bridge that links the two halves, but only two cars pass in an hour. Ink and watercolour, 21 x 13cm.

7am, Otterburn

03 June 2016

As we leave Sheffield, the sun comes out. And the next morning in Otterburn starts with more sunshine. The only traffic is a horse and rider, so it's safe to stand on the edge of the road to draw.

Ink and watercolour, 42 x 13cm. Click to enlarge.

Summer in Sheffield

01 June 2016

Brief visit to Sheffield. It's bitterly cold; the wind whips round the corners of buildings; and then it starts to rain. But it's June! Took refuge in the (appropriately named) "Winter Garden": tropical plants in a enormous greenhouse in the center of the city.

Slightly warmer (that is, slightly less freezing) in the afternoon. Found a bench out of the wind, and drew the Cathedral Precinct.

Each drawing: Ink and watercolour, 42 x 13cm. Click to enlarge.