Pigs in scarves

18 September 2010

Ashdown Forest was originally a royal hunting ground where monarchs such as Henry VIII hunted animals. Here, we see a group of boar sent out to entertain the king. It was a cold day, so they put on their sensible hats and scarves to keep warm.

Back to life drawing

16 September 2010

New life drawing group just started.

Back to life drawing
Pencil on paper, A3.

See more at London Road Life Group.

Ashdown Forest linocuts, final stage

07 September 2010

Final layer of colour: I used a near-black, mixed from ultramarine, cadmium red, and cadmium yellow, adjusting the proportions to suit the underlying colours.

Ashdown Forest, Looking South.
Five stage reduction linocut, 10 x 10 cm.

Ashdown Forest, Autumn Morning.
Five stage reduction linocut, 10 x 10 cm.

The thing that I like about these prints is that I managed to keep the early layers very pale, which improves the contrast with the dark later layers.

The things that I don't like are some not-very-good drawing in places, and too many "Why did I cut that?" moments.

On with the next prints...

Croydon Art Society exhibition

06 September 2010

Croydon Art Society exhibition at Denbies Vineyard, Dorking, Surrey. 6 - 19 September, 2010.

Ashdown Forest linocuts, stage 4

05 September 2010

I put the prints to one side for a day or two. When they're not going well, it's hard to find the enthusiasm to continue.

At last, I added another layer.

I think the new layers have improved the prints; the darker tones give them a bit more impact.

I'll probably finish them now.

Ashdown Forest linocuts, stage 3

03 September 2010

Another layer on each of these prints.

And I'm still not happy. The second one has been particularly awkward. After printing a few, I noticed something wrong on the right edge of the print:

There's a strip of the underlying yellow layer showing down the edge of the print. It looks like misregistration -- but the left edge of the print is correctly registered. It's as if the block shrunk while it went through the press! The error is only a few millimetres wide, but that's enough to mar a small print like this (it's 10cm square).

After printing another copy I found that the error was consistent. I fixed it by hand-burnishing that edge before putting the block through the press, which seem to stick it in the correct place.