1 Printing the first layer: a blue to pink-brown blend.

2 Printing the second layer. A slightly darker blue to green blend over the top of the first layer.

The distant fields and buildings start to appear.
3 There's a third layer here, but I forgot to photograph it. It has a blend of transparent blue-green at the top to slightly brighter and thicker version of the same colour at the bottom.
4 A dark green layer adds more definition to the mid-distance (I like how the buildings appear from out of the trees), and some shadows to the foreground.

5 A darker-still layer of green on the bottom half of the picture, and it's finished.

Wilmington. Linocut, 10 x 10 cm.
This is a view of the village of Wilmington, East Sussex, looking north from the path that leads to the Long Man ("It's behind you!").