"Great Aunt Dahlia says she can't remember what happened next," I told Clarissa.
"I expect another slice of carrot cake will jog her memory."
"I think she's just getting old and forgetful," I said, worried that the carrot cake was already disappearing too fast. "How old do you think she is?"
"Well, I just happen to know it's her birthday next week. She'll be one hundred years old."
"One hundred!" I said. "Gosh, I can't imagine being that old. That's like, like infinite."
"Oh no," said Clarissa. "One hundred is nowhere near infinite."
"What's the difference?"
"Well, the difference is you could draw one hundred rabbits, but you could never draw an infinite number of rabbits".
That gave me an idea. "I'm going to draw one hundred rabbits for Great Aunt Dahlia, one for each year that we're celebrating." I hopped off to the studio to draw.
"But that's only five rabbits," said Clarissa.
"Come back tomorrow..."